My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This was a fun read. I was looking for something light to read, and this series was recommended to me. I used to be into mysteries when I was a young girl, but I had gotten out of the habit of reading them. This was a refreshing change of pace for me.
I have not been good about keeping up with the latest releases of new authors. I often lament that I don't read enough of current writers, that I tend to gravitate towards classics and novels written by those long since passed away. So, at first, I was hesitant to try this series. After all, it was written, and takes place in the 1960s. I can forgive dated work by my favorite writer, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., but a novel that for all I know was a dime store mystery? Luckily, I finally put aside my literary snobbery and picked up the book.
I found it to be highly enjoyable and well written. The writing was infused with quick wit and wry commentary on society that I hardly noticed how dated certain aspects. The plot moved along at a nice pace, the clues were clever enough that the ending wasn't obvious and even included a couple twists I didn't see coming. And, even though I don't care much for cats in general, I rather enjoyed the title character. Making the feline not only a central participant in solving the crime but also a three dimensional character is a clever literary device. Even though I happen to be a dog person, I don't really see this technique working with any other type of pet. A Siamese cat is perfect, and one of the most human-like breeds of the species. In short, there was no other choice for Braun to make.
There are over 25 books in this detective series. I will probably eventually read them all. While not the most complex or profound book I've ever read, it was more enjoyable that many novels written today in the genre. I liked it so much I passed on my copy to my mother. I can't do that with most novels written in the last 10-20 years. They always seem to involve multiple sex scenes. I once read a murder mystery that centered around a librarian and a man solving her father's murder. Practically every other chapter was soley the two principles having sex. It seems many mass produced novels these days are hybrids of various genres and romance novels. There is something to be said for the old fashioned novel that assumes you know what happens when the characters close the bedroom door.
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